On Tuesday, November 2, 2010 -VOTE NO ON PROPOSITION B!!!!  


This voter referendum will do the following:


● Targets ONLY legal, licensed and inspected professional breeders regardless of how clean and sanitary the conditions!


● Attacks personal property rights by limiting animal production!


● Limits the number of animals one may own!


● Makes it a Misdemeanor crime for not seeking prompt treatment by a licensed veterinarian for ANY illness or injury!


● Allows no stacking of enclosures by licensed breeders while shelters, pounds, humane societies, rescues and veterinarians can keep dogs stacked in the same enclosures!


● Does nothing to stop unlicensed, substandard facilities from operating illegally!


The Humane Society of the United States, HSUS solicits funds for helping animals and uses only 1/2 of one percent for that purpose.  That means only ONE NICKEL, $0.05, out of every $10 bill sent to HSUS actually goes to help animals.


The rest of that $10.00, $9.95, is used to solicit more funds and for lobbying to eliminate animal ownership and enjoyment!  


HSUS is targeting dog breeders today and other agriculture tomorrow, just as they have in California, Florida, Ohio and other states across America!




Please feel free to call ACA friendly customer service representative if you have any questions at 1-800-651-8223

The American Canine Association has spent thousand of dollars and countless hours in efforts to defeat Missouri's Proposition “B”.  Click on the four signs below for you to print out signs for your home, office, car, truck, or to place near polling places.

Our ACA family is continually dedicated to protecting your future!