March 27, 2009
Dear Oklahoma Breeders,
On Tuesday (March 24, 2009) ACA’s President Bob Yarnall, Jr. and part of ACA’s legislative staff visited with each member of the Oklahoma Senate Appropriations Committee. Mr. Yarnall detailed the unconstitutional issues of Oklahoma HB 1332 and what the unintended negative impact of its provisions would have on Oklahoma’s responsible breeding community. ACA was joined by 24 other breeders as we lobbied to defeat HB 1332.
At 1:00 PM ACA joined a meeting organized by Thea King with Senator Gumm (D). Mr. Yarnall served as the spokesperson for the group, as shown in the pictures below.
When we began our day at the state capitol, we found that the” yes” votes were there
to pass HB 1332 out of committee. However, at the end of our lobbying, there was
a 2/3 “no” vote to defeat the HB 1332. The vote was to take place on Wednesday (March
23, 2009). Realizing the impending defeat of their bill, the animal activists lobbied
for a one-
ACA does not want the momentum that we have created to defeat HB 1332 to be reversed by the animal activists. ACA is again sending our legislative team to Oklahoma City, OK for a breeder rally at 9:00 AM Tuesday (March 31, 2009). We will then visit with members of the Senate Appropriations Committee.
We need you there! Bring your friends, children and grandchildren. Numbers matter! For those that feel that they do not have the time, remember that you will have a great deal of time when the animal activists are allowed to come onto your property at any time without a search warrant, inspect your kennel and records, and if they feel that you are not in compliance, can seize your dogs. The local animal shelter can then send you a bill for transportation and charge you $30.00 per day per dog for boarding them at the shelter. One hundred dogs will generate an animal shelter boarding bill of $3,000.00 per day, $21,000.00 per week, and $90,000.00 per month. The bottom line is that you cannot afford to stay home on Tuesday, March 31, 2009. You must prioritise the importance of having a kennel and travel to Oklahoma City for YOUR VOICE TO BE HEARD!
Mr. Yarnall will be speaking directly to the press and will handle public relations for the breeders. It is important to be nicely dressed to show respect for the lawmakers. It is also important to bring children so that lawmakers see that the businesses which are being affected are “family” businesses.
Please forward this email to as many fellow breeders and industry leaders that you know.
If you have any questions please feel free to call ACA at 1-
Protecting Your Future!