The animal rights movement (USHS, PETA, ASPCA) have developed a very successful network of activists that love to send emails to lawmakers in every state. They are able to generate thousands of emails to every Senator or Representative of a committee on a specific bill. They become more motivated with each successful campaign. They strategically do this right before an important vote!
Now it is our turn to united together as one large and united voice. Many times national organizations have tried to ramp up this type of effort only to fail for one reason or another.
The American Canine Association, Inc. (ACA) has now fully funded this initiative. We see this as the only guarantee that the future of breeding industry may be protected from the highly organized and extremely well funded animal rights movement.
ACA will coordinate with all like-
Become an important part of the Nation’s largest breeder protection group with no annual dues or fees to pay. Know that when you are part of an email campaign that you are protecting fellow breeders as they intern join to help protect you in your state!
State today in helping the breeders of Oklahoma fight a bill that will be devastating to them and give more momentum behind the animal activists legislative effort to stop dog breeding here in the United State. Tuesday (March 31, 2009) ACA is heading a counter rally in opposition to USHS & PETA’s rally at the Oklahoma State Capitol building. ACA’s legislative team, lead by ACA President Bob Yarnall, Jr., will be there directing several groups of breeders as they meet with members of the Oklahoma Senate Appropriations Committee throughout the day.
Please copy and paste the below recommend email and send it to each member of the
Oklahoma Senate Appropriations Committee. The vote on HB 1332 is on Wednesday. The
The breeders of Oklahoma desperately need your help in this hour of need! Help them survive so they can be there to help protect you when similar legislation comes to your state! Let us all finally unite and win the animal activist’s war against the profession we love.
You can use your curser to highlight the below written letter highlighted in tan. Use your mouse’s right click and select copy. Then paste the letter in the body of your email. Use the email address and corresponding Senators names to send each email individually to each of the Appropriations Committee member.
Emails should be sent between now and 7:00 AM Wednesday morning.
Let’s all show the animal activists that we breeders have had enough of them telling us how we are going to live our lives!
Please insert the Senator’s last name after “Dear Senator” and your full name underneath “Sincerely,”
Senator's Email Address Senator's Web bio page Phone Number Senator Mike Johnson - Senator David Myers - Senator Jay Paul Gumm Web bio page (405)
521- Senator Jim Wilson Web bio page (405)
521- Senator Johnnie Crutchfield Web bio page (405)
521- Senator Debbe Leftwich Web bio page (405)
521- Senator Susan Paddack Web bio page (405)
521- Senator Kenneth Corn Web bio page (405)
521- Senator Richard Lerblance Web bio page (405)
521- Senator Charlie Laster Web bio page (405)
521- Senator Jim Halligan Web bio page (405)
521- Senator Randy Bass Web bio page (405)
521- Senator Mary Easley Web bio page (405)
521- Senator Gary Stanislawski Web bio page (405)
521- Senator Anthony Sykes Web bio page (405)
521- Senator John Ford Web bio page (405)
521- Senator Brian Bingman Web bio page (405)
521- Senator Ron Justice Web bio page (405)
521- Senator Brian Crain Web bio page (405)
521- Senator Patrick Anderson Web bio page (405)
521- Senator Randy Brogdon Web bio page (405)
521- Senator Mike Mazzei Web bio page (405)
521- Senator Jim Reynolds Web bio page (405)
Dear Senator ____________,
I am writing you to vote NO on HB 1332. This is a poorly written piece of legislation that has many unconstitutional provisions. Oklahoma voters expect that our lawmakers see through “animal activist” driven legislation.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Let’s take back control of our lives!